Your standard Chordbuddy Learning System, BUT with a downloadable version of the Lesson Plan and Songbook!
Learning the Guitar is Frustrating! In Fact 7 out of 10 quit! YEP, no kidding. Welcome to the easiest and most effective guitar learning system available. Trust me I have been where you are.. Chordbuddy will work for you!!
As soon as the Chord Buddy is properly attached to your acoustic or electric guitar, you will be making music! Within a few weeks, you’ll begin removing some of the tabs and making the chords on your own. In two months, you’ll be able to play the guitar with no Chord Buddy at all. ChordBuddy works on full size steel string, and electric guitars. The Chordbuddy makes the chords G,C,D,Em in the Key of G. THE RIGHT HAND VERSION IS FOR RIGHT HAND GUITARS THAT ARE STRUMMED WITH THE RIGHT HAND.